Semley CE VA Primary School
Semley CE VA Primary School
Home PageHere are some pictures from around the school.
Please also have a look at the Class Pages to find out what has been going on in classrooms!
A Day at the Opera!
We had the most fantastic day learning to sing opera! Click here to see some videos of our day.
Gilo Cardozo inspired the children at school this week with his demonstration of Para motoring adventures.
He brought in one of his many inventions and talked in great detail about why he has such a passion for this activity and explained that he started when he was just three.
After lots of interesting discussion about how the machines work and how he takes off and lands he revealed the accomplishment of his lifelong ambition; to become the highest paramotorer in history.
He showed a breath-taking film, of when in 2007 he and Bear Grylls took to the skies over Mount Everest with a limited amount of fuel, oxygen and clear weather time, and reached the highest level of altitude anyone in a paramotor has ever gone before.
The children were astonished at this and have ever since been looking into the skies in amazement. It is without doubt that Gilo has inspired many children in our school to work towards and seek a lifelong dream that they can accomplish in later life.