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Semley CE VA Primary School

Semley CE VA Primary School

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Welcome to Owls Class


We are Year 4 and Year 5. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday our teacher is Mrs Mills

 and on Thursday and Friday we are taught by Mrs Adcock. 

We were invited to take part in a wildlife exhibition at Messums Art Gallery. These are our amazing pictures!

Arts Week 2024

World Book Day 2024

A visit from Creature Teachers...

Tutankhamun Exhibition, Dorchester 4/12/23

The Dogs Trust - assembly and workshop

Autumn Term 2023 - Science - States of Matter







Arts Week - Summer 2023

World Book Day 2023

We enjoyed a visit from Gold Hill Museum staff today to learn more about the Romans. We made clay pots, played Roman games, made a felt 'bulla' and learnt to write using a Roman, cursive script. Two of us even got to dress up as Romans!

As part of our topic on The Romans, we visited The Dorset Museum in Dorchester...

In PSHE we have been thinking about what makes a good friend...

While our Y5s were away, our Y4s had fun inventing and testing their own toothpaste..

Our Y5 Owls had a fantastic residential trip to The Beacon Centre in Devon in September...

Science Week! 

Bug Workshop with Super Sian

Exploding Fruit Volcanoes

Skittles rainbows

Making moving pictures with water

The amazing Creature Teachers came into our classroom with a selection of Rainforest animals for us to learn about... and hold!

World Book Day 2022

Spring Term 2022 - Let's Explore Our Wonderful World!

Children in Need 2021 - Crazy hair, crazy faces!

Our science experiment to find the fizziest drink...

Our timed DT challenge to build the tallest pyramid...

Tooth Decay Eggs-periment

Djoser Pyramid Lego Challenge
