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Semley CE VA Primary School

Semley CE VA Primary School

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Welcome to Kites Class! 



Children In Need!

Today Kites Class were all arrested and sentenced to hard labour! This was the introduction to our new text - Holes.

Please see below for this term's topic map and class letter

Our Birthday storytellers!

On Friday, Kites culminated their DT unit by cooking, serving and (most importantly!) eating a three course meal!

On Thursday, we held our own general election! We all took on a different party and created speeches based off their policies. We then had a class election. When the results came in, it was a resounding win for Green!

We had a wonderful time at the leavers service at Salisbury Cathedral today! - pictures taken by Year 6!

This week, Year 6 took part in Bikeability!

Today we learnt about how adaptation leads to evolution. We demonstrated how being tasty or attractive as prey was not good for survival and so animals need to adapt to avoid being eaten! Next, we investigated how polar bears are adapted to living in cold environments. We compared how long we could hold our hands in ice water for with and without a lard coating! We wee amazed at how much the lard kept out the cold!

As part of our geography unit, we conducted a traffic survey. We found more traffic than we were expecting!

We have started learning to touch type! We will be building our skills each week during morning work.

This term, we have been exploring circuits!

We had a special visitor today!


Still image for this video

We very much enjoyed gymnastics with Mrs Mills this morning!

A huge well done to Semley footballers! You played brilliantly this evening!

We had the best time with Adam this morning skateboarding!

On Friday, we made sketches comparing the Victorian parts of the school to the modern parts. We noticed details that we had never seen before!

In science this term we have been exploring light - here are some pictures of the work we've done so far!

This week we went and spent time with the Wrens - we had a brilliant time!

How to stay safe online
